"Feedback from a patient is not just words; it’s the light that guides our path of care and compassion."
Mr. Abhay
"I am in Melbourne and had been suffering from chronic digestive issues causing gastric trouble. I took a lot of medication here and tried some ayurvedic tablets. However, in May 22, I visited Sakaar Homoeopathy and met Dr. Sarika. She asked so many questions to understand my lifestyle and gave me confidence that chronic issues can be solved. Within 3 weeks, my chronic digestive issues were reduced significantly."

Mrs. Swapna R
"Everyone likes a doctor who listens all our health issues carefully and also understands all the health problems hidden between the lines during our explanation!!! I am happy that I met that amazing doctor for me & my family Dr. Sarika Vaidya!! Her involvement, patience, calm nature & expertise in healing the health issues are incredible. Her treatment not only cures the health problems & eradicates the roots of those but also gives great positivity in life.She truly values each & every patient."

Mrs. Ashwini
"मी सौ अश्विनी अनिल देशपांडेवय..६३.. मला थॉयराईड डिटेक्ट झाले त्यावेळी मला थकवा येत होता.. पाय खूप दुखायचे ऑलिव्हपथीक ट्रिटमेंन्ट चालू होती मला डॉ. सारिका चे होमियोपथिक औषध घेतले ..आणि माझ्या मध्ये खूप सकारत्म बदल झाला ..मला कामात उत्साह वाढला .. कुठे ही सूज नाही .. वजन वाढले नाही.. कुठलीच माझ्या शरीराची तक्रार नाही.. मी दररोज न चुकता .. डॉ सारिकाच् औषध घेते .. खूप खूप चांगला अनुभव आहे. मला खूप लोक विचारतात .. तुम्हाला ऐवढी एनर्जी कुठून येते.. मी सांगते माझी एनर्जी "

Mrs. Meera
"I started feeling better because of the comfort or understanding she has with the patient. The way Sarika ma'am treats with her words is more than medicine is what I feel. i highly recommend Dr. Sarika Vaidya ma'am for any illness whether it's physical or psychological.Thank you so much ma'am"

Ms. Param
"Happy to share that I have become a Chartered Accountant now and secured AIR 41 in CA Final. During my study leave, your medicines helped me stay healthy physically and also have a peaceful and stress free mind during the challenging period."